When life gives you lemons…

Frances Marie Teves
2 min readMay 3, 2021

I recently took part in a daily creative exercise where we create something based on the topic of the day.

It’s officially Day 1. First Monday of May. And I think I barely fit the deadline because I am writing this at 11:00 PM (laughs)

Dang, 2020 and 2021 is a rollercoaster. Note that I am using “is” because we all know that this pandemic is far from being over and still present in our daily lives. I could go on and on about what has happened since the start of 2021 but it will be another story that would take more time.

Focusing back on the topic, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade — That’s the line.

Hearing this line as a child, this quote does give you a sense of hope that you can handle problems that come your way. It feels related to the other quote that I resonate with “When it rains, it pours”. That no matter how hard life is, you can make it and it will come back with a greater gift of fortune for you.

Realistically speaking, too many lemons or lemonade isn’t efficient. Yes, it’s good for the body, very healthy, used in salads, and can be quite expensive. But if you got too much of anything, or if you don’t know how to use it properly, it will end up rotting. This is the same with life. As much as I admire resiliency and determination, I still believe that being emotionally, mentally, and physically strong and wise to assess whether to leave a situation is needed for prolonged difficult situations like this.

One lemon is good. Some lemons are great. But too much? Either you sell those to make money or go check out the other farm and trade for fruit that you can eat or use.

Here’s my take: when life gives you lemons — check your pantry. Always have an open mindset to take it or leave it. Yup, pun intended.



Frances Marie Teves

Project Manager. Developer. Tech Host. TV Show Geek. Young adult venturing through life.